Monday, April 29, 2013

Places | 5:03

This video gives such a raw depiction of the abysm in our world. All you can see are the outlines of buildings and silhouettes of figures passing by. Imagination is the most powerful tool we posses. Finding beauty in the darkness, and creating our own story. Society will sit you down in wardrobe and make up with a script. The universe will hand you a piece of paper and pen. It is time to wake up my friends. From this materialistic illusion of success. Why are the happiest people on earth from the poorest places? We must shift our perspective.

When I heard this song for the first time I remember sitting down on my brothers couch, closing my eyes and taking a moment of silence. I was elevated to a higher consciousness. Tears streamed down my face. I was born with everything that I will ever need. Reminded of a place that was once familiar. Reflecting on experiences and attachments that no longer serve me in the present. Molded by the places and experiences of my life. But that does not define me. I could picture myself slowly walking into the darkness. Each breath inhaling truth and exhaling fear from the abyss. Eventually I was engulfed by the darkness and lost all sense of direction. There was no going back.

We hold the keys to unlocking our imagination. As a firm believer in the power of numbers, the length of the song was 5:03 the area code of my roots. Oregon the place in which I was born and raised. 

I ask you to listen to this song and release any hurts or attachments of the past. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Never lose sight of your power. 

Special thanks to Shlohmo for creating this life changing music. 

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