Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Don't Trust Anyone

dinosaur necklace tatty devine | leather kilt Sandra Garcia

I met Joey for the first time when I was 19 years old. I had just moved to Los Angeles in pursuit of being a professional dancer. My roommate at the time loved throwing parties with all of the dancers from his scholarship program. Joey was a scholly from a previous year and in his own words he told me "I didn't like you when I first met you, I thought you were a bitch". I am pretty sure everyone at those parties despised me because I fell into the role of the GRINCH. After working two jobs and taking the Los Angeles public transportation every day it was kind of hard not being social when I got home to an apartment full of strangers. 

Little did I know at the time, but Joey was an incredibly talented stylist. As I started to venture into the world of fashion I quickly crossed paths again with joey in a different light. This time we were able to connect with a fresh perspective and I fell in love with his character and whit. Watching him grow has been a beautiful thing to witness. He is never scared of letting his imagination run wild and bringing his visions to life. 

 Stylist | Joey Thao
Photographer | Sylvia Gunde

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